Labor Less. Work smarter, not harder.

How you move your body throughout the day is an important factor that affects long term health. Granted, there are occasional injury events (slips, falls and the like) but its the activities we do day in and day out that are far more likely to cause chronic health issues.
Ergonomic disorders are the fastest-growing category of work-related illnesses. According to the most recent statistics from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, they account for 56 percent of illnesses reported to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Poor ergonomics often contribute to Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI), which is a form of overuse injury caused by repeating the same motions for hours on end over extended periods of time, RSI is often associated with computer keyboard work, though any activity can lead to an RSI. Keep reading to learn how to protect yourself during your day.
You end up carrying heavy objects on many occasions without even thinking about it. Think about chores done around the house like carrying a toddler, carrying groceries inside the house, lifting a load of laundry, lifting heavy objects at work, etc. The list is long and can go on and on.
1. Get as close to the object as possible.
2. Use a wide stance with one foot forward and to the side of the object for good balance.
3. Keep your back straight, push your buttocks out, and use your legs and hips to lower yourself down to the object.
4. Slide the object as close to you as possible.
5. Put the hand (same side of your body as the forward foot) on the side of the object furthest from you.

6. Use this basic lifting technique for small objects when you can straddle the load and use a wide stance.
7. Put the other hand on the side of the object closest to you. Your hands should be on opposite corners.
8. Grasp the object firmly with both hands.
9. Prepare for the lift, tighten your core muscles, look forward and upward, keep a straight and strong back.
10. Lift slowly and follow your head and shoulders. Hold the load close to your body. Lift by extending your legs
Spending your day at a computer can stress your body just as much as physical labor. Millions of people every year suffer from RSI due to too many hours at the keyboard. The effects of ailments such as Carpal tunnel syndrome or “Tech-neck” can be lessened by having your work station optimized to reduce the stress it puts on your body.

Some simple tips for preventing computer-related RSIs include:
Have your station set up as ergonomically as possible (see above image)
Keep an eye on your posture, all of the ergonomics in the world won’t help you if you slouch. The use of a lumbar cushion can help correct bad habits.
Check your typing position, arms by your sides, wrists in a neutral position with hands floating above the keyboard. There are many ergonomic keyboards on the market that can help alleviate hand/wrist strain.
Take regular breaks! Get up for a few minutes every hour for a quick walk, this helps stretch joints and can prevent eyestrain. Taking a break every hour actually increases productivity and reduces errors.
Get regular exercise. Regular exercise strengthens and stretches muscles and tendons, leading to fewer injuries (and is a wonderful way to manage stress).
Take a deep breath. When you feel stressed at work take a few deep breaths and allow your body to relax. Being tense for extended periods of time can lead to a host of other health issues.
The popularity of standing desks has exploded over the last few years. A number of long-term studies have shown that the effects of a lifetime of sitting 6-8 hours a day are less than desirable. Linked to an increased risk of Type 2 Diabetes, increased obesity, heart disease, a greater likelihood of back and neck pain. While a standing desk won’t solve all of your problems, their use has been linked to improved moods and increased energy levels, leading to less anxiety and depression. Many offices may require a letter from your doctor before allowing the use of a standing desk, speak to Dr. Koch to see if a standing desk is right for you.
Even those with the best ergonomics will still have aches and pains from time to time and may need a little relief that doesn’t make your head all foggy. All-natural Formula 303 fits the bill it helps alleviate the discomfort associated with:
Leg Cramps
Restless Legs
Low Back Pain
Muscle Pain
Sprains and Strains
Menstrual Cramps
Pulled Muscles
Neck and Shoulder pain
Mild Insomnia
This homeopathic blend of Valerian Root, Passiflora and Magnesium Carbonate is Gluten-Free and made in the USA. Grab a bottle and see the results for yourself, it is super effective without all of the side effects of pharmaceutical equivalents.
Want to increase productivity and the general mood of your workmates? Ask about our refer a coworker program. When we are all healthy and happy work can seem less taxing, and stress much more manageable. Whether self-care or caring for others contact us today to see how we can make your workdays healthier and happier, allowing you to enjoy your life to the fullest.
Yours in good health,
The Team at Essential Mind and Body.